Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wrong Brain Spring Bizarre

Poster Artwork By:Sam Paolini
Wrong Brain Spring Bizarre, April 6, 2014, 11AM-5PM
Be there, or be disappointed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014



chine collé

This piece, an intaglio etching is called Venus. This piece was inspired by an ancient statue I saw at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. I was intrigued by how even though the woman's body is broken and crumbled it is still beautiful and sensual. I loved the many different textures from the fine grit of the weathered stone to the sharp edges and deep valleys of her crumbled breasts. This was my very first experience with intaglio etching, so it was an exploration into the tools and techniques of this medium. The fine details achieved by the etching pen were perfect for creating a variety of textures and values. I was also influenced by artist Felicien Robs, a Beligian artist who lived from 1833-1898, and was primarily known for his etchings. His work tended to deal with themes of sex, and death and many considered his work perverted. One etching of his that caught my attention was a piece called Pornocrates, an etching that was then colored with watercolors.

  The image showing a nude female figure, blindfolded, being led by a pig who is tied to a leash. The image begs the question whom is leading whom. I wanted to create a piece that followed along the same themes of sexual power, and femininity.